Monday, March 8, 2010

Small Business Advertising Rule #1. Record advertising results

I hear from advertisers all the time that tell me that their advertising doesn't work. I ask them how they know. They say "Because I didn't notice an increase in sales". I also hear "My advertising works, because I noticed an increase in sales".
Both statements are wrong. There are all kinds of things that affect small business advertising (and retail traffic). Weather, other local events, seasonality, even holidays and what you loal competition is advertising.

Your ads have to be thought of as a stand alone investment. Each ad is separate.
Ads either create a profit..individually, or they create a loss...individually.

How can you tell if your advertising is really working? Simple, you tie an action the customer performs to the sale off the ad. For example, yyour ad could read "Bring in this ad for a free ___with the purchase of a ___".

How about "Tell us you heard this ad on (radio station) to get a free ___with the purchase of a ___".

If the customer doesn't tell you where they saw your ad, or what caused them to come in your business to simply ask "What caused you to come in today and get this?" Your answer will be accurate about 80% of the time, and then you write that answer on the back of your receipt (or imput in your POS program).

Why not download a free copy of my book The Unfair Adantage Small Business Advertising Manual at http://www.Local-Small-Business-Advertising-Marketing-Book.comTalk to you later, Claude