Monday, April 26, 2010

The World's Greatest Vacuum Cleaner Salesman

OK, here's the big scoop of the day. I'm declaring myself The World's Greatest Vacuum Cleaner Salesman.
For the last 34 years, I've been selling vacuum cleaners. Most of the time in people's homes...and for the last 10 years out of my own retail store...The Sweeper Store.

Now, why in the world would I want to be known at the world's greatest vacuum cleaner salesman? Am I really the the world's Greatest?
I have no idea. Sure, I've made some sales. My records are $12,000 in a single day (from 10 separate in-home sales...I couldn't talk for 3 days afterwards).
I've netted 26 sales in a single month...with only one person saying "No" that whole month. I have a street in my town where every homeowner bought a vacuum cleaner from me (in-home sales). Has someone sold more? I'm sure of it.

But after 34 years, and more than 6,000 in-home sales...and more than 10,000 in my retail store, I've decided that I'm the greatest.

I even bought the domain name

This is partly tongue-in-cheek, but I've decided that's a title I can take right now.

Who is the world's greatest salesman? They person who sells the highest lifetime volume? he highest volume in a day? The highest net profit in a certain time period? The highest closing percentage? The last 25 years, I've closed about half of the people I've cold-called (from a dead start) and closed about 80% of the people that were referrals from past customers (the real money was made here).

If someone proves that they have sold more vacuums than I have, Great...I'll then be the world's heavyweight vacuum cleaners sales champion. Or maybe the world's baldest sales champion. I'll fit in there somewhere.

Anyway, I wanted to get that off my chest.