Thursday, April 15, 2010

Small Business Advertising Idea; Use Your Blog.

Have you noticed that many speakers have blogs?
This is for several reasons.
1) It's a cheap way to get people to "follow" your ideas.
2) Its an easy way to include content that isn't on your website.
3) Your blog creates links that lead the reader back to your websites.

Let's talk about #3;
I have several websites that have offers in different businesses. sells vacuum cleaner parts, bags, and supplies. is my local retail store website. It leads people doing local searches to my retail store. is a site where you can download a free complete copy of my book The Unfair Advantage Small Business Advertising Manual.
And is my Speaker website.

Now, all the links I just listed are automatically adding one more link to each of thse websites.

So what do I recommend you do? Go to and create a blog for your business.
It's fast, easy, free, and will create a steady stream of new visitors to your main website. See you soon, Claude