Saturday, February 16, 2013

Selling Advertising? Who To See First

 Low Hanging fruit.
In every market there are people who are ready to buy. In advertising sales, these people buy advertising from almost anyone who sells it. They buy because;
1) They know how to make it work, and the more avenues in advertising, the better (this is rare).
2) They like advertising for ego reasons, or have a huge budget, and just want to spend the money.
3) They sell something with a high enough profit margin that almost any ads will generate a profit.

Whatever their motivation, these people buy lots of advertising. The easiest way to find them is simply to look at ads in the local newspaper, direct mail magazine or envelope, and the Yellow Pages. You may as well start your sales career off with a bang. See these people first.

But you need to know this; Just because they spend money on advertising, doesn’t mean they know how to advertise. Most companies don’t track their ad results. They don’t really know which ad is working and which ad is not. After you ask them “Is this ad working for you?” in reference to an ad they are already running...ask “How do you know?”. The answer to that question will tell you whether they really know if it’s working or not.

If they are compulsive advertising buyers, my advice is to accept the business, try to give them information and suggestions to make the ad better, and let it go.

What if they won’t kiss on the first date? (Did that get your attention?)
Everyone buys at their own speed. Different people make decisions at different speeds.
There is a sales process time line. You want your client closer to the end of the process before you sell the advertising. You want to keep communication going between you. This can be done with mail, E-Mail, drive to website, recorded message, or touching base by phone.
Even if they bought the first day, the sales process continues. You are in the relationship business...the results business. The first sale you make supports the second sale...which supports the third sale. That’s why selling gets easier with the same client.

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Claude Whitacre Speaker And Author